Lorex Technology Inc. (Lorex) is committed to providing secure and reliable products to our customers. This Product End-of-Life policy (“EOL Policy”) outlines the milestones for the cessation of service support, firmware updates (including security updates) for Lorex Products. This EOL Policy helps customers better manage EOL transitions and understand the role that Lorex plays in assisting on the migration to alternative technologies.
This EOL Policy applies to all Lorex products, including software, hardware products (collectively referred as “Products”). This EOL Policy does not apply to products whose lifecycle has already come to an end.
End of Service & Support (EOS): It refers to the last date of the service support period for Lorex Products. Lorex will maintain the security updates for at least 2 (TWO) years after the first shipment for sale of certain Lorex Products. Before the expiration of EOS date, Lorex or its affiliates will provide firmware updates (including security updates) and relevant service support for Lorex Products.
- Milestone List
The following Milestone List may be updated due to the change of the Products or our internal policies. Please keep an eye on the changes to learn the latest information. Lorex is dedicated to providing excellent products and services to our customers. If you have any questions, please contact us at support.uk@lorex.com